With our on-line poker hand viewer you can enter hand histories from Internet poker gaming
sites to see graphical and analyzed views of the games.
Currently hand histories from Party Poker are supported. In the future most, if
not all, on-line casinos and game types will be supported.
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With our database of on-line poker games you can add or extract games, or study
games in the database. Game analysis can be restricted to a particular player or
group of players, or a particular game type (Holdem, for example), to tournament
games, play money games, to games played within two dates, or even to games from
a particular Host like Party Poker. Once restrictions are in place determine the
average winnings per game, the per cent of games won through folds, and
other statistics. If a restriction is in place for a particular player or group
of Players then further analysis can be made.
Determine a Player's average winnings (or loss), historical probability of winning,
if he wins a lot by folds (bluffing) through the number of games won by folding and
if he enters showdown his probability of winning.
Improve your game by searching our database of game hand histories.
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